Guide Questions

All questions are not mandatory.

1. Companions on the Journey.

Who are my companions in my life of faith?

What is the level of involvement we experience in our church?

Who are the people who feel left out or those who choose to be left out in our church activity or mission?

What could be the reasons for them to be left out?

2. Listening.

What are the ways and means through which I can express my opinion in the church?

Do I feel that my voice or opinion is listened to by others within the Church?

What type of opinions do we feel are listened to / not listened to in the community?

How much interaction do I have with those from other nationalities and cultures?

3. Speaking Out.

Am I able to freely speak about my concerns and views?

What kind of concerns do you think we should pay more attention to?

4. Celebration

What spiritual activities do you find meaningful and helpful in your faith and life?

How do the celebrations of the liturgy help you in your day-to-day life and to live in communion?

5. Sharing Responsibility for our common mission.

Do you share your faith with others around you?

What hinders you from sharing your faith experience?

What are the opportunities for you to be a partner in the mission of the church?

6. Dialogue in Church and Society

What are the different levels of dialogue possible among different nationalities, groups, associations, and cultures?

How does being a member of an international community of faith in the Gulf enhance the respect you feel for those from other cultures and backgrounds?

What could be improved?

7. Ecumenism (Dialogue with other faiths and traditions)

What opportunities have you had for fostering relationships with (non-Catholic) Christians from other denominations?

What do you feel are the ways in which mutual interaction and support can be enhanced (between Catholics and other Christians)?

8. Authority and Participation

Does the church empower you as a lay person with different responsibilities in the Church?

What is the level of participation of the laity in the ministry of the Church?

What steps do you suggest improving the collaboration between the authority and the laity?

9. Discerning and Deciding

Is there a consultative process in the programmes of the church?

What suggestions do you have to improve this process?

10. Forming Ourselves in Synodality

In your opinion, how do you see the church of the future? What are your suggestions?

Any other topics you feel relevant or important to discuss.